mercredi 29 juin 2016

Hammamet is located at the cross road between Tunis and Sousse not separated from Sousse only 80 km and is the same distance from the capital

Administratively trace bathrooms Nabeul city or the Cap Bon identifier gunshot Tayeb Cap Bon paradise of the Tunisian city of Hammamet and the country is the jewel of this Paradise

New Tunisian tourist pole

Bathrooms sleeper .. charm sea intersects with a whiff of history
Bathrooms sleepy city on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in a few years, turned into "a bunch of fun," as he calls Tunisians. As this small town has become a pole global tourist attracts millions of tourists annually, including months researcher global figures for the fun and magic of nature. The city has increased the creation of beautiful tourist resort "Yasmine Hammamet", who combined the luxurious construction and the long history of the Arab-Islamic history. This tourist resort has derived its name from the mythical fragrant jasmine flower, which is one of the most prominent and the most beautiful country of Tunisia symbols.

The launch of this tourism project in 1989 when he was ordered to establish a distinct tourist town on 270 hectares. This city has seen a renewal and widening sustained year after year, until it became an exceptional model that could be anyone from a dream and spend differently for cushions and unusual holiday.
Integrated in bathrooms and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, one can do whatever he wants, live, eating, playing, immortalize to rest and enjoy to leisure and physiotherapy. Squares and markets to hotels, and spas to courtyards, and fences to the homes and gardens, the pioneers of this city exercised a new life all the fun and joy, combines carnivalesque festive character, coexistence and acquaintance, and the well-being and serenity.
In the city of Hammamet, Ttramy centuries of tradition and the wonders of Arab and human civilization, customs and traditions, and folklore, paintings timeless folk. The distribution of the luxury hotels of up to 54 hotels, representing one of the most important poles hotel in Tunisia.
The visitor finds the spa town all shapes and geometric perceptions of Tunisia and other human civilizations and the European, Japanese and Chinese, in the form of a mosaic, combines all human creations together.
The visitor also finds in the tourist resort "Yasmine Hammamet" all categories of hotels, luxury hotels and other medium, clubs, apartments and baths, provides an update on medication seawater Square, medication Hammamet scooters, as well as surprises for fans of snowboarding and golf courses. It provides "Yasmine Hammamet" about 20 thousand beds each year, most of them resort ranks of the Premier category.

An artificial island

There are at the heart of "Yasmine Hammamet" resort other masterpiece newly constructed, called "Marina", amid 20 hectares of water, provides 740 marina and sailing, and 500 apartments off the sea, and 55 villas, mostly on an artificial island, constructed on the edge of the harbor, as well as to 18 thousand square meters of shops, and 30 thousand square meters of formatted gardens.
Featuring "Marina" has had a certificate from the tourists, architects and illustrators of elegance and charm, and the harmony of architecture. The increasing them famous embrace of many major concerts worldwide, and many international competitions such as large motorcycles contests.
Also it receives "port", which is today among the most beautiful places on the banks of the Mediterranean, a number of racing boats and marine exhibitions and some other related sea events, such as the women's competition sailing, which are known as "by Dido," or "left" , builder of ancient Carthage.
He says engineers "Marina" and "Yasmine Hammamet" It was built to compete with cities and residential areas in modern northern shore of the Mediterranean, such as resorts islands "Sicily" and "Sardinia" nearby, and cities "was" and "Monte Carlo" and "St. Tropez" in South France.
The "Marina" most bathrooms and a residential real estate project of this new category, is the first of future cities, especially since its unique, as it runs between the sea coast and outstanding pristine beauty, and the slopes of the hills covered with green trees.

Bathrooms sleeper

And although the bathrooms sleeping in the bosom of the sea is one of the prestigious tourist facades in Tunisia, the old architectural style, which is famous for it, is no longer in line for the era, and responsive to the tastes of new generations of investors and businessmen. From this point of Tunisian engineers to create a residential city not far from the historical city with its vast citadel, markets and antique Arab homes are spotless white plans.
"Marina" project relates to the bathrooms in the mainland by a bridge, or breakwater channel is configured to be spread over the expanse Dftiha restaurants, cafes and shops. The idea of the channel or refractors adapted from the legacy of the Phoenicians, who were making their channel roll into the land and then return to the sea to ensure protection for their ships from the raids and storms. Each villa "Marina" luxury villas direct sea views from the rear facade of the house, and a special site for a yacht or private boat, while there is a "garage" for cars on the front end.
And on the outskirts, "Yasmine Hammamet resort" exist "Carthage Land", a city recreational games, spread over five hectares, and is based on the collective imagination, contribute to the revival of the legends and tales of childhood, untapped history of the Arab and cultural heritage of the recovery and highlighted again. And provide "Carthage Land" for the visitors 18 space entertainment and a place erotic games, such as "Hanoun Journey" and "brothers Barbarossa" and "The Adventures of Aladdin," etc., depending on the imagination and some remained in the popular memory of the oddity stories and adventures and wars.

Port .. heart pulsed

The port, which is located on the edge charming city, the heart of the new residential complex, SQ off space for pedestrians along the breakwater broad, bordering the circular marine channel, spread from the sides of restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets, overlooking the harbor basin. The complex includes the market on the old Arab-style, featuring shops craftsmen, who make pottery and traditional crafts, as well as for "supermarket" modern and restaurants. For the port of five features:
The first advantage is the location of the port, which overlooks the heart of the Mediterranean, it is only 40 miles from the city of Tunis, and 60 miles from the Italian island of Sicily.
The port can accommodate 700 yachts and boats for, with the availability of all equipment and means of communication necessary and Supply in spaces attached to it, making him the most important marinas in the south bank of the Mediterranean Sea.
The second advantage is that it is close to the bathrooms, and separate them at the same time, which is carrying on her forehead Andalusians fingerprints, since it opened its arms to receive the expelled immigrants from the Iberian Peninsula in the sixth century AD, so they renewed architecture, and introduced agricultural techniques and irrigation systems advanced to its territory fertile.
And history enthusiasts can visit the city's historic citadel, markets and homes and Saadea, just as they can visit Kairouan, Monastir, Sousse and Tunis, a historic cities are not separated from the project, only one hour by car.
The third feature is the presence of two golf courses and great in the vicinity of the project, two floodlit Astqtaban higher categories of Western tourists and even the Japanese throughout the year.
Fourth advantage is being located on the outskirts of "Yasmine Hammamet" resort, as residents of villas and apartments does not need more than ten minutes on foot to find themselves in the heart of a modern tourist area, includes luxury hotels of the categories 4 and 5-star restaurants.
The fifth feature it easier to own property to Arabs and foreigners, as a result of the existence of credit facilities and the lack of strict restrictions on the purchase of the property, as Tunisian banks granted loans for ownership of up to 60% of the property price, payable over seven to 15 years.

Tourist unique model

There is everything in this charming city attractive and sexy Obdath Ayad Tunisian pure, and made him a global Station, painted most of its landmarks, and its edges are decorated with flowers and roses, lit all the roads and streets, until it became a model tourist a unique and irreplaceable.
Brazil Country of samba is also famous and is also famous for the biggest soccer teams in the world home, a travel destination for the world exciting as the largest country in South America, and covers most of the northern region of the continent and on the border with all its countries except Chile and Ecuador, from the rain forests of the north to the beaches tropical along the Atlantic Ocean to the Pantanal wetlands and there are many interesting places to visit in Brazil, namely:

1_ Sao Paulo

The largest city in Brazil, the largest country in the world in terms of population density, located southeast Brazil, is famous for its skyscrapers, gastronomy and culture, it is also home to a large number of parts of the rain forest parks.

2_ Brasilia

Located in the Brazilian Highlands it was installed in 1960 as the capital of Brazil's former President Juscelino Kubitschek ordered the planning of the city and developed to be utopia, as they say, was the infrastructure design in Brasilia to talk in the form of a plane in which age all departments serve all the different areas.

3_ Fortaleza

, The capital of the state of Ceara on the northeastern coast of the country, the largest city in Brazil, fifth, a lot of visitors to the stunning beaches starting point.

4_ Party

It is the paradise of tropical forests where waterfalls and emerald coastal mountains, one of the famous landmarks that are located along the coast of Brazil Verde in the state of Rio de Janeiro and was a former Portuguese colony, was established on the shores of the Bay of Ilha Grande.

5_ Recife

Nicknamed the Venice of Brazil, because of the many waterways and bridges is the capital of the state of Pernambuco and one of the largest and most important cities on the northeast coast of Brazil and is located amidst tropical forests with many islands and rivers, a popular tourist destination due to its scenic picturesque historic Old Town.

6_ Olinda

One in Brazil colonial cities, located on the Atlantic coast and is in the state of Pernambuco northeast of the country and stands on a hilltop views surrounded by trees and central Olinda no historical treasure of colonial churches, and there are old houses and colorful restaurants, museums and many studios artisans.

7_ Manaus

Capital of the state of Amazonas in northwestern Brazil, which is an important tourist destination because it serves as a gateway to the Amazon rainforest, one of the largest cities in Brazil as a result of booming rubber industry during the late twentieth century, and includes unique features such as the opera Amazonas House and the Palace of Rio Negro.

8_ Salvador

Ancient historic city and enjoy the beautiful Bahawate and where one of the largest carnivals in the world's third-largest city in Brazil and the capital of the state of Bahia.

9_ Iguazu Falls

One of the most spectacular natural wonders in the world, a series of magnificent waterfalls on the Iguazu River located on both sides of the border between Brazil and Argentina, and teeming with exotic wildlife, forests and fertile, which is a great and safe city.

10_ Rio de Janeiro

Located in the south of Brazil and is the most visited in the South American city because of the famous mountains and attractions and beaches, carnivals and is located on one of the largest ports in the world surrounded by natural attractions including Sugarloaf Mountain and Corcovado, the famous beaches such as Copacabana and Ipanema.

Republic of Madagascar

Republic of Madagascar and the Republic "Mlajah" one lying in the Indian Ocean south of the East African islands, the largest islands of the world and the fourth, with many natural resources and is in agriculture, which employs a broad sector of the population of the island, comes rice in Madagascar crop head, in addition to coffee and sugar cane, bananas, etc., and lush pastures, which depends on the savannah in the coastal plains, mountain slopes, and mineral resources in the lead, gold and phosphate.


Madagascar, an island located in the southeastern part of the continent of Africa, surrounded by the Indian Ocean, on the east side of State of Mozambique, separated by the Mozambique Channel.

General information on Madagascar

Area: 587.040 km 2

Population: 20,042,552 inhabitants.

Capital: Antananarivo

Language: English, French, ariary

Currency: Alriara which replaced the franc Almlajashi

Religion: indigenous beliefs 52%, Christian 41%, Muslim 7%.

Surface manifestations

Republic of Madagascar made up of one big island, and a number of small islands and a peninsula along the north-south approximately one thousand five hundred kilometers, and the largest width between the East and the West, up to five hundred and eighty kilometers, and diverse plant life on the island depending on the climate and natural conditions.

Divided aspects of the surface in Madagascar to both: the east coast, a narrow coastal strip abuts the steep slopes of a series of north-south mountains and boasts rainforests and the Central Highlands, which is decorated with rice paddies vast forests, spread the central savannah and steppes in the region, with some forests, while the West Coast she can do forests, and less grass plant in the southwestern parts that dominated the desert climate and grow the dry grass.

And begin the land of Madagascar marshes sand in the western coasts, and easy runs the length of the island from north to south capacity in the center and south and narrows in the north, and eastward across the island rises easy to reach the slopes of the plateau, with a plateau maximum height in the north and the south, strongly and descend towards the coastal plains east.

The Mount Maromokotro summit of the highest elevations in Madagascar, which reaches a height of 2876 meters above sea level.

Madagascar and exposed throughout the year to about three or four hurricanes, leading to an ongoing flooding, as the island is also exposed to droughts.

the climate

Madagascar's tropical climate prevails along the coast moderate at home and dry in the south, although they occur in the tropics, but the position of the Indian Ocean has worked to improve their conditions and climate.

The temperatures in Alsholalssahelah to 27 degrees Celsius on average per year in the north, 23 degrees Fayaljnob while less heat above the highs, falling rains in the summer.

Madagascar republican system of government headed by President of the Republic of state is elected by popular vote for a five-year term, it is possible to re-election for a second term, the president appoints the prime minister, who in turn appoint the Cabinet.

The legislature consists of two chambers, "the National Assembly" and elect its members in a direct popular election and term of office of four years, and "Senate" The members of the regional councils, two-thirds of their seats of 100 seats, while the president appoints the remaining third organic and duration of the four-year term as well.

The highest judicial authority in the state Supreme Court, the Supreme Constitutional Court.

It is the existing political parties in Madagascar Madagascar neighborhoods Association, the Democratic Party of the Union in Madagascar, the National Union and others.

brief history

It separated Madagascar from Africa about 160 million years ago and formed the island of Madagascar following the separation from India for nearly 80 to 100 million years ago, according to archaeologists began human settlement on the island in the period between 200 to 500 BC, where he began the influx of sailors them from Southeast Asia, or South Africa by crossing the Mozambique channel.

The shape of Madagascar's population from a mixture of Asians and Africans, Vetoalfd by residents of Malay and Indonesia, and the Negroes of the Bantu, and mingled with Arabs coming from the Comoros Islands, in addition to Arab migrations, such as the tribe antemoro people, concentrated African communities on the coast, and Asian in the center and south.

During the seventh century commercial flights between Muslim Arabs and residents of the island of Madagascar and so began along the northwest coast, and the island's leaders and their leaders to communicate and trade with neighboring Indian Ocean state.

Europeans discovered the island in 1500 by seas Diego Dias, when separated from his ship bound for the fleet to India and saw the island, and then flowed into the commercial flight from Portugal, Portugal and tried to impose its control on the island, but were unable to do so.

As well as Britain sought and attempted annexation to the Mauritius Islands, but failed, then the delegation by the French after that and became a French colony in 1896, after it had been an independent kingdom, but it gained independence again in the June 26, 1960, and named it "Mlajah" after independence due this name to the island's largest tribes.

Cities and tourism

The island of Madagascar has a charming nature surrounded by yellow sand beaches along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, followed by inward green spaces and forests and vast trees and plants, a variety of rare inhabited by many rare animals also it is said that 80% of the animals in Madagascar are not found in any other country in the world , which are accepted by researchers and zoologists to conduct studies on them, and come animals "lemur" on top of these rare animals, which is famous for its Madagascar existence where a species of long monkeys tail, in addition to the influx of tourists from the amateur nature and wildlife.

Madagascar There are many beautiful cities including Berent is located at a distance of 26 kilometers from Moramanja, located by one of the most famous national parks, and includes many rare animals, including monkeys Alandara the largest species of lemurs.
Moramanja and includes the city of the country, the Museum of the police, and the area is between Moramanja and Lake Olautera key area for rice farms, famous for Antsirabe area to extract gems.

mardi 28 juin 2016

Ibiza is one of the main islands in the Spanish archipelago known as the Balearic Islands. It is one of the most popular islands in the international tourist sites, known panoramic natural beauty, ancient city beautiful, sandy beaches. It is also known as the Isle of Wight because of its architecture Avatar.

About Ibiza
Ibiza Spain, is an island in the Mediterranean Sea along the Eastern 79 km off the coast of the city of Valencia. It is the island which is famous for the existence of the famous clubs and beach Bora Bora Beach, and much more. It really is an amazing place to visit.

Ibiza Spain is also home to "port" the legendary Ibiza who accepts him many visitors with its great popularity for many tourists. Taatmazh island sand soft white, which attract a lot of visitors, as the Ibiza distinctive restaurants with a five-star absolutely amazing. Visitors can enjoy lunch on the side of the beach and a romantic dinner.

the city of Valencia ibiza

Facts about Ibiza Spain
Ibiza, with an area of ​​572 square kilometers and is the third largest island in the autonomous Spanish region of the Balearic Islands. Located in the south of the island of Formentera with many small islands unmanned and rocks that make up the island of Ibiza in the range of Ibiza and Formentera. Official languages ​​are Spanish (Castilian), Czech. It's easy to Ibiza is considered the ideal places, since they contain the turquoise waters and stunning white sand. Accept about 2.8 million tourists each year to enjoy a World Heritage Site distinctive architecture, and the coast.

The best time to visit Ibiza
The best time to visit Ibiza is during the summer. If you're looking for a clean and clear beaches, will be featured choose to visit the island of Ibiza to spend your holidays better times. However, if you want to enjoy the nature of the island's nightlife in Ibiza, the best time to visit this beautiful island is during the months of July and August.

Ibiza is an island of rock covers an area of ​​approximately 572.56 square kilometers (221.07 square miles), it is about six times smaller than Mallorca, but it is five times greater than Mykonos (Greek islands), or 10 times larger than Manhattan in New York City. Ibiza is the largest group of the western Balearic archipelago called "Pityuses" or "Pine Islands". And it includes a series of the Balearic islands, with more than 50 islands, many of which are uninhabited. The highest point on the island Sa Talaiassa, up to 475 meters (1558 feet).

lundi 27 juin 2016

   The best program for a honeymoon in Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the favorite destinations for grooms due to Tabieitha picturesque Hotel services where and excellent infrastructure, in addition it contains varied topography and weather more diverse, it is cool and cloudy as in Cameroon and Jnting to rain in the cities and dry as in the islands.

From my experience in the private experiences in tourism in Malaysia, the best time to spend a honeymoon is two weeks, which would prefer to plan ahead before coming to avoid small incidents that may disturb their honeymoon. Planning includes transportation, hotels and tourist attractions to be visited.

Do not forget before you came to Malaysia to air tropical but not warm, temperatures range between 28 and 31 degrees Celsius in the House of Commons goes down ten degrees in Jnting and Cameron, so wear light clothing helps to keep the body cool, also do not forget to wear athletic shoes and be your camera Templates and probably favors if you backup battery.

On the other hand, if you Mottagna English Valtoasl will be very comfortable from the population of the country, especially tourist places, taxi drivers all spoke Alangelzah language. Malaysian people are estimated to Arab tourists and has been especially so for your dealings with them on this basis niche. Finally, after this long introduction Do not forget to rain, there is not predictable, so to not parachute with you wherever you traveled. Now let's start our honeymoon trip:

Selangor beginning:
Selangor is the largest states of Malaysia, replete with the places and tourist facilities, the most important of Sun Wei Lagoon and the Blue Mosque and the bright jungle trees and Mrtvat Melawati, if you want a unique experience do not hesitate to go to the island Kitam and dinner there. Spend two nights there are not bad at all.

Do not stay for less than 4 nights and only Sifutk a lot, Mark city last Mahtatk where you shop and go back to the homeland is to Tzahmk purposes, before going into the purchase go to the following places Putrajaya, the Indian temple, Jnting, birds and butterflies garden, and finally the Grand Mosque and next to the Museum of Art Islamic.

Many shopping venues, starting from Arab Street and the twin towers and the Indonesian market "CHOW KIT" Chinese market.
You can go to a beacon of Kuala Lumpur and had lunch at the top "entry ticket 45 ringgit inclusive buffet" In addition to an evening bus in restaurants and cafes Pavilion. The city is also famous for its Asian culture, so maybe you'll experience local food and enter the karaoke rooms "music for songs from the singer's voice is shown on the screen the words of the song" You can voice experience and technical abilities.

samedi 25 juin 2016


Deir Sumila Sümela Manastırı

The monastery was founded in 386 AD and is located at an altitude of 1,200 meters

Majka on the slope of the village of the city of Trabzon facing the valley Altındere

A site with a great historical and cultural significance, as well as a major tourist attraction

Alsomala Orthodox monastery just 50 km from the city of Trabzon

It consists of a five-story central courtyard and kitchens and rooms and a library building


Ataturk Atatürk Köşkü Palace

It was founded in 1890

This historic building, built in the center hosted a large forest in the city of Trabzon

Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic in 1934 and 1937 and has earned his name after this visit

And it displays objects within the building used by Atatürk during his visit

And you can enjoy the tranquility provided by the forest and flowers of different colors in the palace garden


Shawl Cave Cal Mağarası

Is a beautiful grotto located in the village shawl Cal extends inside a mountain

The Cave "Chal" in the state of Trabzon, northern Turkey, the world's second longest caves

Along the corridors that have been discovered and estimated, in the cave is 8 Km

There in the cave valleys, water pools, and increase natural stalagmites and stalactites, formed over millions of years.

mercredi 22 juin 2016

It lies the charming village of Monsanto southeast Serra da Estrella, an old fortified village overlooking the foot of the mountain. With the confined houses between giant rocks and small streets carved rocks, and did not change the appearance of the village for centuries. In 1938, Monsanto was selected "most beautiful Portuguese village in Portugal" in a national competition, and since then has been the imposition of restrictions on the construction in order to maintain the character and remains a living museum.
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